Thursday, March 13, 2008

Newspaper Celebrities - 1951

[In 1951, we] went back to Greeley for the summer sessions when school was out. We took [my parents'] trailer house up to Greeley and rented space between the football field and the baseball field. During the summer sessions, the college rented trailer space and there were many teachers from all over who came with their trailers just for the summer. We had a good time with them as most of the classes were in the morning and they were all around in the afternoon.

The following article was published in the Greeley Sunday Journal on June 17, 1951 and gives us a hint of the value Lou and Leona placed on education.

Playing host to more than 1500 visitors who have dropped into Greeley this week for CSCE's pre-school session has its headaches, this city has found. Providing housing accommodations for the students, many of whom have their families with them, is one of the major problems.

Close to 100 of the students have taken care of the situation by bringing their homes with them. Witness the trailer court which has blossomed on the campus just north of Jackson Field.

The Journal visited one of these families this week -- the Louis Butlers of Pueblo. Mr. Butler, a third grade teacher, is working for his AB degree and will finish up his work by correspondence at the close of the summer session here Aug. 17.

Top picture shows Mr. Butler studying in his trailer home while his wife keeps their four boys entertained. They are Eddie, five; Jimmie, 3 1/2; and the two year old twins, Tommy and Donnie.

Mail is delivered to a community mailbox on the side of one of the new utility building. Momma looks for letters while the rest of the family waits expectantly to hear from home.

Interrupting his studying to do the babysitting while Mrs. Butler does some shopping in downtown Greeley, Mr. Butler puts the covers over Donnie, one of the twins. Besides raising a family and teaching school, he has been piling up credits toward a degree since January, 1946. His plans were interrupted for six months last winter when he was called back into the Navy.

He and his family renewed many acquaintanceships while strolling about the campus this week.

How does this compare with your college experience?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this site! I'm learning so much about the Butler's. I had no ideas they had so many adventures in their life. I love the image of a trailer park near Jackson Field. There are so many memories of Greeley! Great work--