Sunday, November 9, 2008

James Alan Butler, aka "Pretty Gee-Gee"

James Alan Butler

Jim was born during Dad's football season. Mom recalls the events surrounding his birth:

I do remember a game when Lou was laying on the field after a play. He just had the wind knocked out of him, and he really wasn't injured. I guess it didn't bother me too much because Jim wasn't born until the next day. The game was on November 8, 1947.

Look at those eyes!
Mom remembers that as a toddler, Jim would look in the mirror
and say, "Pretty Gee-Gee."

Lou, Sr. with Jim

Happy Birthday, Jim!


Anonymous said...

Everybody always told Jimmy what a pretty baby he was. It's small wonder that some of his first words were 'pretty gee gee'. Lou was working during the summer in park recreation. He usually had a group of boys that he worked with. He always took Eddie(Louie) and Jimmy with him. The boys got to be with their dad, the big boys played with the little boys, and it seemed to be a good experience for everybody. That bottle Lou is helping Jimmy hold is a soda bottle. elb

Anonymous said...

My daddy was a pretty baby!! He is also one of my best friends. He's always been there for me and my brother and sisters. Now I know where i get my good looks! haha! Love Kari Lynn Butler Oborn