Tuesday, October 13, 2009

. . . a beautiful country

This is a beautiful country, and we want to get out and see as much of Switzerland as we can.

Flowers everywhere!

Rather typical of the city houses around Zollikofen, Switzerland in the fall.

We walked past this beautiful red tree on our way to the Post Office and the store. Unfortunately, I kept forgetting my camera until many of the leaves had fallen off.

Winter in Zollikofen - we didn't get a lot of snow, but had many beautiful frosty days.

The forest behind the temple

walking from the apartment to the temple

the temple president's home

Swiss temple in winter

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The church owned some of the forest land that was next to the temple grounds. It was a beautiful scene behind our apartment. We loved to walk in the forest. The Swiss families often walked in the forest-especially on Sunday afternoons. It wasn't a lot colder in Switzerland, but there must have been very high humidity. The trees would have so much frost on the branches that it would look like we had had a very heavy snow. During the day, the frost would drop to the ground, and it would look like it had snowed beneath the trees. We always dressed very warm for our walks.