Friday, August 20, 2010

Family Home Evening . . . continued

Reminder - Monday nights are reserved for Family Home Evening
 4 November 1985 - Our FHE was fun tonight.  Lou read the short story "The High Place" by the Yorgasons.  Then he talked about "asking" when they need something and read a few appropriate scriptures.  We sang quite a few fun songs and played a great game.  They love games!  Our refreshments were nachos and Kool-aid.  They love to eat, too!  They put away a gallon of nacho cheese and six pounds of tortilla chips.


Construction zone
 25 December 1985 - Our last family home evening before Christmas vacation was fun.  We made gingerbread houses with graham crackers.  We had icing all over the place.  Even the "macho" boys loved it.  Some of them didn't take the houses home.  I tried to hang them on the tree, but they were so heavy with icing that I could only hang them on the inner heavier branches.

The makings of a village
16 February 1986 - We played a fun game at Family Home Evening last week.  It was called Gangster.  It's dodge ball with a different twist.  You try to hit the gangster.  He has a body guard in the circle with him, and the body guard is supposed to protect him by keeping the ball away from  him.  The gangster can keep away from the ball, but he can't touch it.

". . . how oft have I gathered you as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and have nourished you."
3 Nephi 10: 4

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