Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Naval Service

Chuck graduated from high school in 1943 and like his brother, Lou, he went right into the military serving in the Navy as a Radioman from November 1943 - May, 1946.

Chuck Butler (left) "on watch"
March, 1946

A handsome young man in his Navy uniform

Also like Lou, Chuck left behind a girlfriend - who was also Leona's sister!

She told him goodbye.
Lorene Carpenter (Charlotte's mother) - Chuck Butler - Charlotte Carpenter

She sent him lots of letters and pictures.
Charlotte Carpenter - about 1944

She was glad to see him when she got a chance.
On leave in California - Fall, 1944

And he was a typical American serviceman.  
(I think this picture looks like it belongs on the cover of Life magazine as a quintessential image of World War II)
undated, but probably early 1944

from the "kid bro", Chuck

1 comment:

Leona said...

Chuck had difficulty getting into the Navy because of his eyesight. He had heard that eating carrots would improve his eyes. He ate carrots everyday, hoping that would get him into the Navy. They must have needed sailors, because he was able to join the Navy in spite of his eye problems.